Working with Ancillaries

Some documents refer to exhibits, schedules, and so on. In Contract Tools, these items are called ancillaries. You can use the Ancillaries view to find ancillaries. To show the Ancillaries view, click the Ancillaries button at the top of the Contract Tools pane.

Here are ways to use the Ancillaries view:
  • To sort ancillaries alphabetically or by number of uses, click one of the buttons at the top left of the view.

  • To show the locations of ancillary references, click the disclosure triangle to the left of an ancillary.

  • To go to an ancillary, click its location. You can also use the Previous and Next buttons to go to ancillaries; see The Context Button; the Previous and Next Buttons to learn more.

  • To ignore an ancillary, click an ancillary in the view to select it, and then click the Ignore button (×) at the bottom of the view or press the Backspace key. Ancillaries you ignore are saved with your document by default; see Saving Analysis Settings to learn more.

  • To restore an ancillary you’ve ignored, choose Show Ignored Ancillaries from the Action pop‑up menu at the bottom of the view, select the ignored ancillary you want to restore, and then click the Restore button at the bottom of the view or press the Backspace key.

  • To quickly restore all ignored ancillaries, choose Restore Ignored Ancillaries from the Action pop‑up menu at the bottom of the view.

  • To copy a list of ancillaries to the clipboard, choose Copy Ancillaries from the Action pop‑up menu at the bottom of the view; see Copying and Pasting the Contents of Views to learn more.

  • To find an ancillary in the view, type all or part of the ancillary you want to find in the Filter field at the bottom of the view.

Ancillaries are highlighted when you select them; see Highlighting Content to learn more.