Finding Information about Your Computer
To help you resolve an issue with Contract Tools, we may need information about your computer and the software you use.
To learn how to find information about this | Go to |
Windows | Finding Windows Version Information |
Word | Finding Word Version Information |
Contract Tools | Finding Contract Tools’ Version Number |
Other Word add‑ins | Finding Information about Other Word Add‑Ins |
Finding Windows Version Information
You can find information about your version of Windows.
Windows 10 and later: Open Settings and choose System > About.
Windows 8.1: Open Settings and choose Change PC settings > PC and devices > PC info.
Any version of Windows: Open Control Panel and choose System and Security > System.
Finding Word Version Information
You can find information about your version of Word.
To find the version number, choose File > Account.
To confirm whether you use the 64‑bit or 32‑bit version of Word, click the About Word button; 64‑bit or 32‑bit appears at the top of the About Microsoft Word dialog.
Choose File > Help. The version number and 64‑bit or 32‑bit appears below About Microsoft Word.
Click the Office button at the top left of the Word window, and then click Word Options at the bottom right of the menu that appears.
Click Resources on the left of the Word Options dialog. The version number appears below “about Microsoft Office Word 2007”. (The 32‑bit version of Word 2007 is the only one available.)
Finding Contract Tools’ Version Number
You can find Contract Tools’ version number.
Show the Contract Tools pane, and then click the Subscription button. Contract Tools’ version number appears at the bottom of the Subscription view.
Open Control Panel, click “Uninstall a program” at the bottom left, and then find Paper Software Contract Tools in the list of programs. Contract Tools’ version number appears in the Version column.
Finding Information about Other Word Add‑Ins
You can find information about other Word add‑ins.
Choose File > Options > Add‑ins to show the Add‑ins pane of Word Options.
More information about add‑ins (like version numbers) may be available in Control Panel.
Open Control Panel, click “Uninstall a program” at the bottom left, and then examine the add‑in’s entry in the list of programs.
If you use many Word add‑ins, creating screenshots of the Add‑ins pane and the Control Panel window may be faster than creating a list of add‑ins; search the internet for “Windows screenshot” to learn how to create screenshots.